[Click this link for older Topologilinux versions]

Normal installation

Setup for Topologilinux version 6.x


This is the most important thing !
Remember that all damages done to your system is at your own risk !
Always important when you are running Bill Gates windows ;)

2. Start your windows system

I think you know how.. I can not give you any support on this ;)

3. Insert the CD and run setup.exe (autostarted)

Press Continue

Also make sure to close ALL other programs before you continue the setup.

4. Select how much space you want to allocate for Topologilinux

Note that FAT filesystems can only handle up to 4090MB, NTFS systems have no reachable LIMIT
Full Install takes about 2400MB so at least 3600MB or more are recommended (scince you need
to have space available to do things in yout Topologilinux system too)
Select values then press "Create files"

The files will then be created (note that this will take some time.. (the progress bar might stop too))

5. Install bootloader

This bootloader is highly recommended to install , otherwise you will need the cd to boot into "real mode"
(This step also require that you are running windows 2000 or Windows XP or abowe)

Select "Yes" to install the bootmanager

6. Install CoLinux

CoLinux is also highly recommended to install,
otherwise you will not been able to run Topologilinux inside Windows
(This step also requires windows 2000 or Windows XP or abowe)

Select "Yes" to install coLinux

If you choose to install coLinux you also need to choose RAM size
RAM size 64 to 256Mb will probably be enought for most systems.

Press "Install coLinux with above settings.."

Then the installation of colinux will begin in the background and after some seconds
the following window will appear

Press "Continue Anyway"
(above message will appear in your Windows language so it might differ a bit)

Then the installation of CoLinux is done except for one important manuall step

Press "Click on this link here for instructions...." (This step is very important to do !)

Then the default browser will start and you will get a page like below

Do all step listen on this page carefully !

When done close the default browser and select "Continue Setup"

7. Installation part 1 done.

Now the first part of the installation is done
You can now choose between installing in "coLinux-mode" or
reboot and install in "linux-mode" Recommended is to try the "coLinux-mode" first
(if this method fail you need to use the "linux-mode" methood)

7. Installation part 2.

During this step the packages will be installed to your system

If you want another keyboard press "1" here and choose another one
Otherwise just hit Enter

Login as root and enter setup

Press Enter
and wait while the setup search for the cdrom or pkg.img

Choose filesystem (if unsure use the default) then press Enter

Best is to choose all packages
(the KDEI might not be usefull if you only use English languages in KDE)

Full methood is highly recommended

If you install from a CD this is the most "tricky" part in this step if you use coLinux-mode
(a). Remove the first cd (cd1)

(b). Insert the second cd (cd2)

(c). Wait until the autostarted window appear (default in most window system)

(d). Close that window and wait about 5 seconds

(e). Press Continue
(this will not appear if you use the DVD version)

Now a lot of packages will be installed....(will take some time..)
Then when done this page will appear

It is here highly recommended to set a password for your system

Then a lot of configuration things will appear, If you dont know what to do
at some of the question the default should be good so just hit Enter

The installation of the files is now done !

The first time you start it up you need to run setup
this is important to do direct at the first login
(It is also then recommended to reboot the computer in "linux-mode"
and do the setup there too

during this setup the following window will appear for a long while
donīt worry this is just the linux locate database who is beeing updated

Then another important step will appear.
Here you should create a user, enter a username and then hit Enter on all
other questions that appear until the password appear, then you should
enter a password for the user

Then your system should be ready !

To start up the grafical Topologilinux in coLinux mode you first need to
start up the "Start Topologilinux" before "Topologilinux X"
Note:You can only login as a user in "Topologilinux X"

When your system is working fine you can try to install the Topomanager
located on the first installation cd, a new nice way to use colinux and X

If you want to choose another windowmanager you can change it by
changing session in the gdm manager

"real-mode" installation

Read info on the cd for this methood, should be like the traditional Slackware

/Tobias 2005-11-24