For help according the 5.x versions see the setup for the 6.0 version
Setup for Topologilinux version 2.x and 3.x (and 4.x)
(just the bootmanager that differ in version 4.x)
This is the most important thing !
Remember that all damages done to your system is at your own risk !
Always important when you are running Bill Gates windows ;)
2. Start your computer and enable Boot from cd in bios
This distro boots and installs through a bootable cd.
3. Start your windows system
I think you know how.. I can not give you any support on this ;)
4. Insert the CD and run setup.exe (autostarted)

Press Continue

Full install takes more than 2GB so if you want to install everything you need to create a partition of minimun 2800MB.
NOTE: You can only use up to 4090MB on FAT32 partitions and max 2040 on old MSDOS/FAT16
So if you want to install everything you need to install it into a NTFS parttition
NTFS volume should handle systems up to at least 2TB probably more
RECOMENDED: choose 4096MB or more on base and 255MB on swap
5. Then reboot with this cd in and enter "install"
Now the installation will boot up. The first thing you may select is a keyboard layout (if not using US layout)
Then you login as root by entering "root"
start the main installation program by typing "setup"
follow instructions, recomended choice should be preselected
6. Reboot your system and just press enter at boot
If you have a cdburner you can press F1 and choose your prefered choice instead
7. Configure your system
The first time you boot your installed system you should run "setup" and configure your system