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Topologilinux 6.0.0 Readme



                                   Topologilinux version 6.0.0



                                   -----* Info: *-----


Over the years, the Linux operating system has become  very popular

among both computer enthusiastics and experimenting home users.

The trouble with the Linux operating system has always been getting



Here comes the solution of that problem !!


Topologilinux is a free linuxdistribution to be run on top of any

dos/windows computer without partitioning your hard disk, and you

can also run it inside your windows system.


It is very easy to install Unlike other Linux distributions



It will run on your existing windows/dos partition in a directory

named "/tlinux6". This release works on both NTFS and FAT partitions

which means that you can run it under all existing Windows or dos

systems. New since version 5 and above is that you can run it inside

windows through coLinux, you can also use X windows through a vnc

server and then connect using a vnc viewer.


BUT you can now since version 6.0 also install it in real linux mode 

without loopmount like the traditional distributions

slackware,redhat,fedora,suse and so on if you prefer this methood.


It is also possible to run your existing windows program in

Topologilinux through the windows emulator wine. Just enter

wine your_program.exe


Also a great Office package is included in /extra, OpenOffice 2.0

To install enter: installpkg openoffice*.tgz.


It is now also a firewall in the /gnome directory named firestarter

If you want to run the monitor just type firestarter as root or in

the "root terminal" in gnome. it will also run as a service in the

background if rc.firewall is on you just need to start firestarter

up and configure as root first


Topologilinux is a free Linuxdistribution but all donations of money

are welcome. You can also order a copy of the Topologilinux dvd

for $50 or 42EURO (including shipping)

send an email to for more info or visit

Topologilinux homepage.


If you want the source I will recommend you to order a copy of slackware

cd:s from scince most of the pkg:s are from slackware.

So donations are welcome to both me and the slackware team !


There are many added packaged besides the current 10.2 version of

slackware. Like Gnome 2.12, and a kernel and many other

packages has been added.


                                   -----* install on windows: *-----

1. Backup important data before installing (see IMPORTANT: below)

2. start up windows and insert this CD and run topologilinux-setup.exe )

   and create files (will normally start automatically

   (Or if you prefer using the install-without-cd methood place the)

   (isofile according the instructions in the /install-without-cd)

3  Follow instructions and install the system (recommended is to install

   everything in coLinux mode (default) but you can also select not to

   do so and boot with this cd in and write "install" then press Enter

   (You need to have "boot from cd" enabled in bios)

   (for more advanced boot options press F1)

   (make sure to try all options in the F1 menu if default)

   (installation kernel fails)

   But as said before read the steps and follow instructions and

   select default alternatives.

   A warning for the TAP driver might appear, accept this and continue

   the installation.

   DO NOT FORGET TO DO the networking configuration if you want coLinux

   to work.

   NOTE: that you may not use the cd/dvd-driver in any other open windows

   program like the filemanager explorer or anything like that if you

   do the setup through coLinux cause filesharing does not work

   between colinux and windows correct

   Also note that setting for colinux can easy be changed in the

   xml files /tlinux6/colinux/*.xml

4. follow instructions, and install the software you want.

   It is always prefered to install ALL software

5. Your system is now installed, You can start it inside windows

   from the "Start Topologiliux" icon or do a reboot and use the

   grub based bootmanager to start it in real mode (much faster)

6  To use the X system inside Windows you need to start the Topologilinux

   system first then "Topologilinux X" to connect to the system.

   NOTE: that you can not login as root from vnc (Topologilinux X)

   so you need to login as auser.. (can add more users by adduser command)

   (to be able to use internet inside topologilinux in colinux mode

    you need to do the steps listed in the

    /tlinux6/doc/network-installation.doc or the htm file)

7  After you have done all part in coLinuxmode you should

   restart your computer and start in the loopmounted linux mode and

   select start Topologilinux from the bootmanager or boot with the

   cd/dvd in and just hit enter (or "vga" if your screen not support 1024x768

   resolution. Then when you are there you should run setup to configure

   your system there too.

   NOTE: you need to run the setup in linux mode to get the system to

   work correct.


   Also note that you can install without CD/DVD, see install-without-cdrom



NOTE: When installing using more than one cd it might be troubles

with mounting the second CD/DVD in coLinuxmode. But don't give up: try to

first close all programs that uses the cdrom and try press continue,

if that does not help you, open the cd in a windows "explorer" window

and then try to close it again and wait about 10 sconds and try to

press continue again. This step might be a bit triky but it should

work. If it does not work for you try to do the installation by booting

and install in the linux mode instead of the colinux mode.


The above problem will not appear if you use a DVD instead of the cd:s


According the Network it might be a tricky part that to. Try the

help that is available in this readme file, it it still fails try

to search on colinux homepage or try the forums on

You can also try to upgrade to colinux 0.6.3-rc3 located in the extra

directory on this cd after the first setup


Another thing to know is that if you during the setup in linux mode select

to start in grafical login during X configuration, this can be changed

back by just edit /etc/inittab and change to runlevel3 instead of 4.

(This is the same as the question that appear during the X setup)



                                   -----* Topomanager *-----              

If you want topologilinux and colinux to be run as a daemon in

windows you can try to use the Topomanager included on the cd/dvd.

(see instructions in that zip file for more info)

Above program is a nice small program and is recommended to try

when you have a working Topologilinux system up and running.

You will find topomanager in the /utils directory



                 -----* install real mode without Windows *-----

This is new in version 6.0 and works like the traditional Slackware

setup. You will need to have place to create 2 new partitions where you

will install it to. (Note that this method is not recommended for newbies)


1. Backup important data before installing (see IMPORTANT: below)

2. Insert the CD and boot and write "real" and press enter.

3. partitioning your hard driver (for example with cfdisk)

   You need to have one Linux partition (at least 4G for full

   installation) and you should have a swap partition (about 250Mb)

4. Start the setup by writing 'setup' and åress enter

   You can get more info according this setup by selecting help

   when you start the setup program.

5. Follow instructions.

Since you now almost run a slackware 10.2 system (ok, with gnome

and 2.6 kernel and some other small changes) but it is like slackware

in the setup and configuration and so on, so you can also try to read

info at for more help.



                                   -----* Install old dos system *-----   


If you have an old system that not have boot from CD in your bios

or if you are running old dos system without windows see

the readme_dos.txt in the /dos_setup directory on the

Topologilinux version 4.0.0 cdrom (should probably work on version

6.x too but has not been tested and therefore not on the cd) I will

recommend users with old system to use the real mode without windows




                                   -----* Install on system without cd *-----           

Yes it will work fine !. You should place the iso image in the folder

\tlinux6\ and name it pkg.img

(the isofile can be downloaded from if you

not already have it.

also download the package from the homepage listed below that

includes the setup program for none cd setup.



                                   -----* IMPORTANT: *-----

Remember that all damages that might appear on your system is at

your own risk, Topologilinux takes no responsibility for any damages.

But this version should be stable and has been tested by a lot of beta

testers for a long time now.




                                   -----* coLinux WARNING !: *-----

CoLinux is still at a early development and may cause damage to

your computer. Topologilinux 6.x uses coLinux version 0.6.2

byt If you find problem with this version you can still upgrade to

version 0.6.3-rc3 (According to the main developer at coLinux version

0.6.3-rc3 is probably much more stable than 0.6.2)

You can also try downgrade to 0.6.1 (but not so recommended)

To upgrade or downgrade run

"colinux-daemon --remove-driver" when removing old versions and

"colinux-daemon --install-driver" then installing the new version



                                   -----* Whats included ?: *-----

Topologilinux comes with 2 cd:s full of software. Here are some of them.

 * Kernel

 * coLinux so you can use Topologilinux inside Windows

 * Xorg 6.8.2 with xapplications, firefox and many other appz.

 * Kde 3.4.2 with xapplications

 * Gnome 2.12 with many appz like nautilus and evolution and so on.

 * Xfce,windowmaker,fvwm and some other window managers.

 * A windows emulator (wine 0.9.1) and icq clones like gaim

 * A great officepackage named Openoffice 2.0

 * Network appz, console utils, gcc 3.3.6 and many other appz...

 * great 3D games like Torcs and Tuxracer.



                                   -----* NTFS driver: *-----

This distribution use a NFTS driver that can only change data on a

loopmounted file on a NTFS driver. This means that you need to create 2 files

first in windows mode base.img (the base system) and swap.img (swap file)

Then you reboot with this cd in or use the bootmanager or use new colinux mode)

 ** Do not try to write to your NTFS partition outside Topologilinux **

 ** it is still dangerous ! ****

(but this will not appear for you if you use Topologilinux as you should)

(since topologilinux only writes to a loopmounted file which is OK)

(above information is only when running in "real mode")



                                   -----* LIMITS *-----

One limit in this distribution is that FAT32 SYSTEM CAN ONLY HANDLE FILES


NTFS system can handle much larger files (should work fine up to at least 3TB

probably more.).. I have tested up to 120G with succsess.




                                   -----* Developer *-----

Tobias Svensson a now 28 year old M Sc E E programmer from Sweden (2005)

email: or

also a lot of work from Chris Semler, email



                                   -----* Help *-----

Here are some famous problems that might appear.


1. My system does not boot.

 solution: You first need to run setup.exe from windows, then you reboot your

           computer and write "install" then you press enter and install your

           software, or for advanced boot press F1 and read.(Or do the setup

            inside Windows through oLinux)


2. Problem when booting Topologilinux with bootmanager in "real mode".

 solution: make sure your system works in colinux mode and that grldr is placed

           in c:\ (or your windows driver) and also that boot.ini has

           the entry "Start Topologilinux"

           grldr.lst should be placed on the driver where Topologilinux is


          You can also try to boot using the bootable cd (need to have boot from

           cd enabled in Bios)


3. Problem after booting Topologilinux in "real mode". (your screen might flip out)

 solution: Your videocard might not support 1024*768 256color correct, try to

           use the normal vga mode (write "vga" is using boot from cd)


4. How do I get my cd burner to work ? (not tested in colinux mode)

 solution: when booting there are 2 options, try "hdd" or "hdc" depending on where

           your cd burner are. Check it by typing "cdrecord -scanbus" and se if

           your cd burner is there. othervise try the other boot option(hdd or hdc)

           There exists many cd burning programs. One are included on the second cd

           and have the name xcdrtoast.(from slackware extra)


5. My soundcard seems not to work.

 solution: First of all make sure that you have sound on in mixer on (check your

           mixer settings in your current windowmanager) and make sure it is on.

           This release of Topologilinux uses alsa sound driver and if your

           card does not work please visit that page and make sure your soundcard

           are supported.

           to set the sound volume use command "mixer" (press "M" to unmute)

           More info at alsa homapege:

           If you still have problems search for slackware 10 and alsa on the net and

           see if there are somethings strange with your motherboard and slackware 10.2


6. Can not configure my X correct.

 solution: First try xorgsetup and setup your monitor, if this still not work ->

           go to and check how to configure x systems. You can

           also try to search on the net, you will probably found info there for

           your videocard and your monitor.

           If you want real fast X and have say a Nvidia chip, goto

           and download latest Linux driver and install.(TNT,Geforce and so on)

            you might need to manually edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf

           (Nvidia and ATI drivers are now also on the extra cd)


7. Can not get my network or modem working correct.

 solution: also here, go to and check !

           But also check out drivers on your network creator homepage and so.

           My new networkcard needed drivers from asus, and was easy downloaded from

           their homepage and a simple "make" to install. So if your card are not

           working you might need to do so too !

           If you are in colinuxmode se step 18 below.


8. Can not type anything when I should login, my keyboard is frozen. ("real-mode")

 solution: The most common problems with this are that your mouse is not working

           correct and the mouse is loaded before the keyboard.

           you have probably selected wrong mouse, fix this by DO NOT loading gpm at

           boot time. Make sure that you have the right mouse selected !


9. Topologilinux does not install in colinuxmode with my cdrom

 solution: You probably have more than 2 cdroms and try to install from 3/4:st Cdrom

           er edit /tlinux/colinux/*.xml and change from Cdrom1 to Cdrom2 or 3


10. My scroll mouse does not work.

 solution: edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and add

           option "ZAxiaMapping" "4 5"

           under your mouse selection... might also change mouse from ps/2 to imps/s


11. Can not install on my scsi cdrom (in "real mode" and boot from cd)

 solution: start up by using scsi supported kernel

           press F1 at boot and choose a kernel with scsi support


12. What about updates ?

 solution: You can update packages that not contain the -t in the package name

           from any slackware 10.2 site at your own risk.

           Packages that contain -t in the name like (colinux-t....) are Topologilinux

           packages and should not be updated with any slackware packages.. but

           all other should hopefully work !


13. Notebook problems ?

 solution: visit


14. USB or Hotplug problems ?

 solution: add parameter NOUSB or NOHOTPLUG to the kernel at boot

           If you use the bootmanager edit c:/grldr.lst and add it there

           then run the install.bat again. (can also select not to use Hotplug during

           the setup)          


15. No sound appear for me.

 solution: The volume are muted by default, so open a mixer and change the volume

           then it will hopefully work. (run "mixer")


16. During the setup ("colinux-mode") errormessage "ERROR ! Could not find CDROM !..." appear

 solution:  You probably have the cd open in some other application like "My computer" or you

            have some files from the cdrom open. You need to close all stuff that uses the cdrom

            only the setup are allowed to run  from the cdrom (a coLinux feature)

            when you have closed all cdrom apps you can just continue the setup by entering

            "setup" again

             (if you use another than cdrom0 change it in setup.cotopo.xml)


17. The coLinux console crash.

 solution:  Try to download a newer version of colinux at


18. Can not connect to the Internet from coLinux.

 solution:  First of all: Make sure you have done the steps listed in networking docs.

            Then starting dhcpcd might help you. Try in a window to start "dhcpcd" as

            root, if that not solve your problem read read more at coLinux homepage



19. Problems with colinux and ICS (Microsofts Internet connection sharing) and ip

 solution:  The best things for this is to visit and read the documentation.

            most of the documentation is on the Wiki page

            ICS is the Internet connection sharing that windows uses to share a connection

            which unfortunately uses tha same ip as colinux

            Bot don't worry, it works for you if you have a ICS (just a bit tricky so setup) ;)


20. Grub does not work for me.

 solution:  Read files in /grub/debug and see if that helps.


21. When I setup a message saying that is alreasy in use, what to do ?

 solution:  This is related to (question listed 2 step above)


22. I don't know how to configure the network in setup (in real mode)

 solution:  If you don't have a domain just give some valued like

            test and


23. Installation problems in the setup (linuxmode)

 solution/tips: You need to install the [a] base packages (Do NOT miss this !)

                If you want colinux and networking you also need the [n] networking

                otherwise an error about "inetd not found" will appear during the

                colinux setup, to be sure install everything.


24. I want to change the size of my Topologilinux system (base.img)

 solution:  Use the toporesize in the /utils directory



                                   -----* Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q) * (mostly old questions) -----


Q. Will I have to repartition my hard drive to install Topologilinux?


A. No, that's what's great about Topologilinux. Unlike other Linux distributions,

   This one does not need it's own partition. It will run on any Windows or DOS

   partition. But if you prefer installing in the other way by partitioning it is

   also possible.


Q. What are the system requirements ?


A. Topologilinux needs a PC 486 or higher with about 100MB free diskspace and

   about 8MB ram. If you want to install everything you need about 2,5GB free

   space. If you want to have a X system it is recommend to have a Pentium PC

   with 32MB ram or more. And If you want to use colinux and X in windows you

   will probably need a pentium 300Mhz or above with Win2k or XP and about 96Mb ram.


Q. Will Topologilinux run on my version of Windows?


A. YES, Topologilinux works with all versions of Windows or Dos and works with both

   FAT and NTFS partitions. You just need the CD to boot with if you use NTFS.

   But if you want the new colinux feature to run it inside windows you need to have

   Windows 2000 or XP or above.


Q. Is Topologilinux based on any other big distribution ?


A. Yes Topologilinux is based on the first and still the most stable

   linuxdistribution Slackware Linux. The main goal with this distribution is

   that it should be almost 100% slackware compatible.


Q. Will Topologilinux delete Windows?


A. No, Topologilinux will install in a folder on any of your Windows drives

   (/tlinux6). To uninstall Topologilinux see uninstall selection in this readme


Q. Can I run Windows programs under Topologilinux in "real mode"?


A. YES, Topologilinux 6.0 comes with the windows emulator wine. Just enter

   wine your_windows_program.exe and your program will hopefully work under

   Topologilinux too.


Q. Does Topologilinux require another installed operative system ?


A. NO, You can run Topologilinux on a clean hard disk without any other

   installed systems.


Q. Is Topologilinux free ? the source too ?


A. YES, Topologilinux is free and under GPL but all donations are appreciated.

   Some source is on the cd, the other is slackware packages and can

   be downloaded or ordered from



                                   -----* Homepage *-----

Please visit Topologilinux homepage regulary to make sure your Topologilinux system

is up to date. You will find more documentation and info there too !

homepage:   or



                                   -----* Thanks to *-----

All my betatesters and especially Chris Semler (

who has helped a lot with this version, especially the colinux stuff

..also all other people who mailed me ideas and helped me with this release,

..also all developers in the coLinux team,

..also all developers in the gware team (I uses most of their built script)

..also all you who help people in the forum at the homapage,(hopefully ;) )

..also all who have helped me in the forums to help other Topologilinux users,

..also thanks to YOU, the user of Topologilinux !!

..also a great thanks to all people that have/will supported me by ordering

  a cd or donate money to the project !


Please spread this to all people you know if you like it, and also magazines and so on  !!

And if you like it you can always try the DONATE button at the homepage ;)



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