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(2007-04-08) Topologilinux 6.1 Pre-Released

is currently on the way to be uploaded to Sourceforge but can be downloaded
as torrent from

(2007-03-19) Topologilinux 6.1 cvs

The releasecandidate for comming 6.1 is placed at
see the readme.txt file for info.

(2007-01-02) Happy new year

Topologilinux 6.1.0 Rc1 is almost complete but one problem still exists
The old does not seem to work anymore so we need another main ftp site
where we can place the files on (not a mirror, we need a ftp account with login/pass) please email to if you can help us.

(2005-11-25) Topologilinux 6.0.0 Released

Topologilinux has now released version 6.0.0.
This new version contains about 4Gb of software like:
Kernel, Gnome 2.12, Kde 3.4.2, Xorg 6.8.2, Openoffice 2.0, Gcc, Xfce, networking
coLinux 0.6.2 or 0.6.3rc3, 3d games, alsa sound system, Wine 0.9.1 and many other apps.
Based on Slackware 10.2 and you can still run it under ALL Windows versions.

But a great news in this version is that you should now also be able to run it in "real" linux
mode like tht traditional distros Debian, Fedora and slackware and so on.

Topologilinux is very easy to install and does not require any partitioning
at all. (see installation link)
Another news in version 6.0.0 is the improved coLinux integration which means that you
can run Topologilinux direct inside your windows system
Topomanager is another great new util that let you run everything as a deamon in the background

There is also a grub-based bootmanager so you can boot in real mode
(not coLinuxmode) (require windows 2000/XP or higher)
The Full version comes on 3 Install cd:s or on 1 dvd
Note that you can now download from some FTP sites, where you also can find updated on
Go to the download area and download or order the cd:s and enjoy !
Topologilinux is still free but all donations are welcome to support this project

(2005-08-28) Topologilinux 6.0 rc-2 released

This is probably the last version before the final 6.0.0 and should hopefully be free of bugs ;)
If you know more mirrors with Topologilinux or have an own, email me info about them so I can add them.

(2005-08-28) Topologilinux 6.0 Beta 2 released

Changes:changed back to colinux 0.6.2
the betaversion exists at:
and hopefully soon at:
If you know more mirrors with Topologilinux or have an own, email me info about them so I can add them.

(2005-08-12) Topologilinux 6.0 Beta 1 released

Extremly much new things in this version, you can easy install it without a cd or dvd
you can now also install it in real real mode without windows and loopmount mode like
slackware does. gnome 2.10, a kernel, openoffice 2beta and much more news.
This version should be stable but I need your help to test it out so please report
all progress to me,(what you have tested,hardware and so on)

the betaversion exists at:
and hopefully soon at:
If you know more mirrors with Topologilinux or have an own, email me info about them so I can add them.

(2005-04-16) New official Topologilinux ftp site at

the adress is:

(2005-03-02) New great Mirror at Tuwien

Has also the new (testing) area and also (updates)
the adress is:
(also available through ftp)

(2005-02-08) Colinux 0.6.2 and Slackware 10.1 Released

See the "updates" page for more info how to upgrade

(2005-01-03) Topologilinux 5.1.0 Released

Topologilinux has now released version 5.1.0.
You can Choose between the Lite and the Full version
The Lite only contains X,KDE and required libraries and networking stuff
The Full version contains about 3Gb of software like:
Gnome 2.6, Kde 3.2.3, Xorg 6.7, Gcc 3.3.4, Xfce 4.0.5, networking, OpenOffice 1.1.3,
coLinux 0.6.2Pre6 or 0.6.1, 3d games, alsa sound system 1.0.5, Wine and many other apps.
Based on Slackware 10.0 and you can still run it under ALL Windows versions.
Topologilinux is very easy to install and does not require any partitioning
at all. (see installation link)
The best news in version 5.1.0 are the coLinux integration which means that you
can run Topologilinux direct inside your windows system
There is also a grub-based bootmanager so you can boot in real mode
(not coLinuxmode) (require windows 2000/XP or higher)
The Full version comes on 2 Install cd:s and the Lite on one 355Mb cd
Go to the download area and download or order the cd:s and enjoy !
Topologilinux is still free but all donations are welcome to support this project

(2004-12-27) 2 good news....

The first one: Patrick seems to feel better according to this changelog
The other one is that version 5.1.0 is almost done.. just waiting for some last testing before uploading..

(2004-11-17) Sad news...

As you probably already know Topologilinux is based on slackware linux (
Unfortunately the man behind Slackware (Patrick) seems to be very ill read this link
So please pray for him, or do whatever you can to save him !!

(2004-11-16) Topologilinux 5.1.0 on the way....

A new "bugfix" release of the 5.0.0 is on the way, just waiting for
the final 0.6.2 version of colinux.
If you have found any bugs not listed on the list [here] please report them

(2004-10-18) Topologilinux 5.0.0 Released

Topologilinux has now released version 5.0.0 which has many new features.
You can Choose between the Lite and the Full version
The Lite only contains X,KDE and required libraries and networking stuff
The Full version contains about 3Gb of software like:
Gnome 2.6, Kde 3.2.3, Xorg 6.7, Gcc 3.3.4, Xfce 4.0.5, networking, OpenOffice 1.1.3,
coLinux 0.6.2Pre4, 3d games, alsa sound system 1.0.5, Wine and many other apps.
Based on Slackware 10.0 and you can still run it under ALL Windows versions.
Topologilinux is very easy to install and does not require any partitioning
at all. (see installation link)
The best news in version 5.0.0 are the new coLinux integration which means that you
can run Topologilinux direct inside your windows system
There is also a new grub-based bootmanager so you can boot in real mode
(not coLinuxmode) (require windows 2000/XP or higher)
The Full version comes on 2 Install cd:s and the Lite on one 352Mb cd
Go to the download area and download or order the cd:s and enjoy !
Topologilinux is still free but donations are welcome if you would
like future versions of Topologilinux.

(2004-10-13) Topologilinux 5.0 uploading...

just stay ready and wait ;), the demoversion are already here , the full version might take a day or 2 more..

(2004-08-20) Topologilinux 5.0Beta2 Demo RELEASED

A lot of fixes ! Download it here ! and please report all bugs you find to us here!

(2004-06-28) Topologilinux 5.0Beta1 Demo RELEASED

Download it here ! and please report all bugs you find to us here!

(2004-06-28) Topologilinux 5.0Beta1 Demo

Sorry for the delay, but tonight I will start the upload !! so stay ready ! ;)

(2004-05-14) New design

As you probably noticed a new design has appeared to this site.
A great thanks to Hans Melin for this design

(2004-05-14) New betaversion on the way !

Yes a new version with support to be run inside windows is on the way.
So please report all problems that have appeared to you on the 4.0.0 release as soon as
possible to me ! Also new feature requests are welcome

(2004-04-13) New (GRUB-ntfs) (stage2) file ready

If you still have problems with the bootloader (GRUB) on NTFS systems
please email Tobias at: .[daily cvs files]

(2004-03-16) Latest version of grubinstall and topoenlarge

Latest version of topoenlarge (made by Chris) can be downloaded here
Latest version of grubinstall (made by Lode) can be downloaded here

(2004-03-02) Run Topologilinux inside Windows through coLinux

Yes it is now possible! For you who want to try this (still unstable beta)
follow this link

(2004-01-17) opened !

First of all I want to thank all people who have helped users in the forum.
And now it is time to produce a new address
(the old one will still be available)

(2003-11-09) Topologilinux 4.0.0 Released !

Topologilinux has now released version 4.0.0 which has many new features.
Now based on Slackware 9.1 but you can still run it under ALL Windows versions.
Topologilinux is very easy to install and does not require any partitioning
at all. (see installation link)
The best news in version 4.0.0 is the new bootmanager, which can start Topologilinux from
your existing WIN NT/2000/XP bootmanager
Other things included: X, Gnome 2.4, kde 3.1.4, xfce4, network tools, wine, 3d games,
OpenOffice 1.1 and many many other appz.
You can now easy configure your X with the new X-setup utility.
Topologilinux now comes on 2 Install cd:s
Go to the download area and download or order the 2 cd:s and enjoy !
Topologilinux is still free but donations and orders are welcome if you would
like future versions of Topologilinux.

(2003-10-25) Topologilinux 4.0.0 ready next week(hopefully)

Topologilinux 4.0.0 are close to be finished, the code are almost frozen so if you found any
bugs in 4.0Beta please report them to me as soon as possible

(2003-09-27) Topologilinux 4.0Beta released

Topologilinux 4.0Beta finally released, you can download it from HERE !!
Notes: You might need to run install.bat 1 or 2 times after setup.exe (placed in c:\boot)
KDE are just temporary removed in this beta.. will return back in real 4.0 release (2 cd:s)
please report all bugs found to me at begin the mail with subject TL4B:

(2003-08-18) The new Topologilinux 4.0 betas are on the way..

Hopefully the first beta will be released in about 2 or 3 weeks.

(2003-08-11) New release of the bootmanager (version 0.5)

Now with support for FAT filesystems and many other systems

(2003-07-13) The new bootmanager ready for download

The new bootmanager (see news 2003-06-30) is now ready to be download HERE !!
(Note: you also need to copy setup.gz and initrd.gz to /tlinux3 directory)
This is a beta version, please test this out and mail me if it works or not
email me at

(2003-07-04) Donations are always appreciated :)

If you want to support this project you can donate money just press the donate button at the end of
this page

(2003-06-30) Boot Topologilinux without CD !

Lode Leroy has wrote a bootloader (based on grub) to be used with your existing Windows bootloader.
but..A great thank to sourceforge who still hasn't fixed either the destroyed download counters or the
ability to upload files for my project. Please help me to get Sourceforge to fix these problems.
Registered users can already download the new bootmanager on the "updates" page

(2003-04-29) Topologilinux version 3.1.0 Released !

Topologilinux has released version 3.1.0 which has many new features. You can still
run it under any version of Windows and both NTFS and FAT filesystems are supported.
This version now also includes the Alsa sound drivers which makes almost all soundcard work
This distribution are based on Slackware 9.0 with Gnome 2.2 Kde 3.1.1a and many other appz.
Licq and Wine are still included (a linux ICQ client and a program to run your Windows appz in)
Topologilinux is very easy to install . (see installation link)
This version are now splitted on 2 cd:s one main and one extra cd.
Topologilinux 3.1.0 LITE are also released (contains only the base packages)
Go to the Download area and download or order a cd with Topologilinux 3.1.0 and enjoy!

(2003-04-02) Topologilinux version 3.0.0 Released !

Topologilinux has released version 3.0.0 which has many new features. You can still
run it under any version of Windows and both NTFS and FAT filesystems are supported.
This version now also includes the Alsa sound drivers which makes almost all soundcard work
This distribution are based on Slackware 9.0 with Gnome 2.2 Kde 3.1 and many other appz.
Licq and Wine are still included (a linux ICQ client and a program to run your Windows appz in)
Topologilinux is very easy to install just insert the cd when you are in windows and the installation
starts automatically. Then you boot with the cd in and write "install" and press enter and install your
system. Then your system is installed just insert this cd and press enter when you want to run
Topologilinux !
Go to the Download area and download or order a cd with Topologilinux 3.0.0 and enjoy!
(When you have installed Topologilinux and boot it up for the first time and are prompted to run setup.
Before you do that enter "cd .." then "setup")

(2003-03-25) Topologilinux 3.0 features

Slackware has released version 9.0 and Topologilinux 3.0 is getting closer. Beta versions are out to my
closest betatesters now. News in this release are the alsa sound driver which makes almost every soundcard work
under linux. If you want any other new features in 3.0 release this is the last chance to email them .

(2003-03-02) Slackware 9.0-rc1 released

Next Topologilinux version will be based on slackware 9.0 so a new Topologilinux version is getting closer..
Anyone who want to help me with a better way to boot Topologilinux than a CD email me

(2003-02-20) Topologilinux LITE Released !

Topologilinux has released version 2.0.2 LITE (only includes the Base packages, 35MB)
Go to the Download area and download Topologilinux 2.0.2 and enjoy !

(2003-02-07) Topologilinux version 2.0.2 Released !

Topologilinux has released version 2.0.2 which has many new features.
You can now run it under any version of Windows and supports both NTFS and FAT filesystems.
Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000 or Windows XP it doesn?t matter, all versions are now supported !
Topologilinux is very easy to install just insert the cd when you are in windows and the installation
starts automatically. Then you boot with the cd in and write "install" and press enter and install your
system. Then your system is installed just insert this cd and press enter when you want to run
Topologilinux !
This release is based on slackware (current 2003-01-19) with some updated packages and some
extra packages like the ICQ clone Licq and the windows emulator Wine where you can
run your windows programs from windows.
Xwindows and Kde 3.05a and Gnome and many other things running on kernel 2.4.20
(with NTFS patch). Topologilinux loopmount your dos/win system to Linux ext2/ext3/reiserfs
Go to the Download area and download Topologilinux 2.0.2 and enjoy !

(2003-01-29) Topologilinux version Released !

There exist no changes at all from version 2.0.0 and except that it was not upload with my
Telia (Comhem) this time, (It took 24 hours and was also incorrect uploaded.. Thanks Telia..!!)
My Comhem connection uploaded version 2.0.0 with many crc errors so I made a new release to avoid
conflicts with the incorrect uploaded 2.0.0 files that might be out on the net now.
Go to the Download area and download Topologilinux and enjoy !

(2003-01-28) Topologilinux version 2.0.0 Released !

Topologilinux has released version 2.0.0 which has many new features.
You can now run it under any version of Windows and supports both NTFS and FAT filesystems.
Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000 or Windows XP it doesn´t matter, all versions are now supported !
Topologilinux is very easy to install just insert the cd when you are in windows and the installation
starts automatically. Then you boot with the cd in and write "install" and press enter and install your
system. Then your system is installed just insert this cd and press enter when you want to run
Topologilinux !
This release is based on slackware (current 2003-01-19) with some updated packages and some
extra packages like the ICQ clone Licq and the windows emulator Wine where you can
run your windows programs from windows.
Xwindows and Kde 3.05a and Gnome and many other things running on kernel 2.4.20
(with NTFS patch). Topologilinux loopmount your dos/win system to Linux ext2/ext3/reiserfs
Go to the Download area and download Topologilinux 2.0.0 and enjoy !

(2003-01-19) No new NTFS release.

I just heard that a new version of the NTFS kernel driver will not be released
for a very long time. So I release version 2.0.0 with the old NTFS 2.1.0a

(2003-01-06) Happy new year../..Ftp../..Version 2.0.0..

Some people has asked about a ftp site like with updates..
Sorry.. no such ftp site exist yet.. but if anyone out there are willing to
offer a free ftp site like that i would be very happy..

Yes Version 2.0.0 is almost ready to be released.. A new NTFS driver release should
be released in 2 weeks (according to the mails I got) so in about 3 weeks version 2.0.0 will
hopefully be out...please mail in bugs on last RC1 if you found any..

(2002-12-29) Topologilinux 2.0 Releasecandidate 1 released !

This is the last release before version 2.0 and should be highly recomended to download
Changes: Now with Wine (windows emulator) and Licq (Linux ICQ clone) included
The reported trouble with last beta 1 (the 30 day limit in the setup.exe) is now fixed
Thanks to Tim "AutoBot" Turner who compiled my setup.exe with a registed Delphi version

(2002-12-19) Installation of Topologilinux 2.0 Beta 1

Change the date back about 30 days by command "date"
Then run setup.exe !
After run that set back the date again
Then boot with this cd and enter "install"

(2002-12-19) Topologilinux version 2.0 Beta 1 released !

This is the first beta of Topologilinux v2. This beta has been tested for a while before it
has been "public" released so it should work fine. So download and enjoy this Beta !
This has many major feature enhancements, most your modules is now configured att boot time now
USB mouses and other devices should work.. please report to me result on that
The main reason why it is called Beta is that it is based on slackware 9 Beta (current)
another is that the setup.exe (windows based) is compiled with a free trial version of delphi
which cause a 30 day limit,(seemes to be on the setup.exe file).. anyone out there who have a registed
version of Delphi 7 and can compile it for me ?
This problem will only appear to you if you install this beta 2 different time on same machine with more
than 30 day between the installations.. (and in about 30 days the real 2.0 will probably been released..)
NOTE: If you have a FAT system do not create lager base system than 2040MB
NTFS works with much larger base system.. I have tested it OK with up to 13GB

(2002-11-28) Gnome 2.03 released... BUT STILL NO GNOME 2 IN SLACKWARE CURRENT.. !

Gnome has now released version 2.03 of their popular desktop and developer platform.
But there are still no Gnome2 packages at all in slackware current.
It is possible to use Gnome2 through dropline. But Dropline-Gnome is unstable and not recomended
Does anyone know if they will include any Gnome2 packages in slackware 9 ? [mail me]
Do you want stable Gnome2 in Topologilinux and slckware ? Help me to push slackware [email slackware]

(2002-10-13) Planed features for next release !

First of all i want to thank all users of Topologilinux !
For each download i will give some more time for develop Topologilinux
so tell all your friends to download Topologilinux and visit this page many times ;)
OK now to the new planed features for the next release:
* Support for installing TopologiLinux under NTFS systems like Windows XP
* Need to wait for a more stable NTFS write driver (ver>2.1.0) (Linux NTFS page)
* USB mouse support in the installation part (worked before but you had to start up USB)
* Improved booting tool (easy boot menu hopefully.. working on it now..)
Do you want any other features ? MAIL ME !

(2002-08-25) Version 1.0.0 released !

TopologiLinux is a free easy to install Linuxdistribution to be run on top of a
DOS/WIN harddisk without partitioning the disk
TopologiLinux is based on Slackware 8.1 with some improved packages like kernel 2.4.19
Xwindows 4.2 gnome 1.4.1 and kde 3.01 enlightenment and so on
TopologiLinux loopmounts your dos/win system to ext2,ext3 or reiserfs Linux system !

Current release is 1.0.0 (Released 2002-08-25)
working platforms:
:any dos system (start in DOS mode or with bootdisk)
:any win9x system (start in DOS mode or with bootdisk)
:windows 2000,windows ME and windows XP with VFAT filesystem (start with bootdisk)

(get free DOS bootdisk from

/Tobias email:

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